Product Overview: Eclairages:

High Power Lights
WhiteLite™ HP 1W AA, Black

1W high power LED

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WhiteLite™ HP 1W AA, White

1W high power LED

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WhiteLite™ HP 2W

2W High Power LED

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WhiteLite™ HP 2W Dual

Dual 2W High Power LED

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WhiteLite™ HP Mega 10W

10W Super High Power LED

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Light Replacement Kit
Bracket Replacement Kit

For WhiteLite HP Focus/1W AA

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Center-line Light Mount

for Mounting Dual or Single Light

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Helmet Mount Replacement Kit

For WhiteLite HP Mega 10W

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Light Unit Replacement Kit

For WhiteLite HP 2W

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Light Unit Replacement Kit

For WhiteLite HP Mega 10W

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Mini USB Port Replacement Kit

For RedLite/WhiteLite DX USB

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PowerPack Replacement Kit

For WhiteLite HP 2W

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PowerPack Replacement Kit

For whiteLite HP Mega 10W

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Rubber Stap with Clamp Replacement Kit

For RedLite Mega

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Rubber Strap Replacement Kit

For RedLite II/UFO/UFO mini

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Rubber Strap Replacement Kit

For WhiteLite II

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Safety Light Helmet Mount

2 white LED’s and 2 red LED’s

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Safety Light Sets
HighLite Combo Aero, black

Combo pack

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HighLite Combo II, black

WhiteLite™ II & RedLite™ II combo pack

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HighLite Combo II, white

WhiteLite™ II and RedLite™ II combo pack

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HighLite Combo USB, white/red

WhiteLite™/RedLite™ DX USB combo pack

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WhiteLite™ Aura & RedLite™ Aura Combo

Combo pack

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WhiteLite™ Race & RedLite™ Race Combo

Combo pack

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Safety Lights Front
WhiteLite™ Aura

3 LED’s (1 0.2W white LED)

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WhiteLite™ DX USB, black

4 super bright white LED’s

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WhiteLite™ DX USB, white

4 super bright red LED’s

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WhiteLite HP Beamer, black

3 super bright white LED’s

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WhiteLite™ HP Focus, white

0.5 W mini LED, 1 AA battery

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WhiteLite™ HP Focus, black

0.5 W mini LED, 1 AA battery

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WhiteLite™ II, Black

3 LED’s

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WhiteLite™ II, White

3 LED’s

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WhiteLite™ Race

2 super bright white LED’s

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Safety Lights Rear
AlienLux, black

2 red LED’s

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AlienLux, green

2 red LED’s

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AlienLux, pink

2 red LED’s

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AlienLux, red

2 red LED’s

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AlienLux, white

2 red LED’s

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AlienLux, white

2 white LED’s

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AlienLux, yellow

2 red LED’s

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AlienLux, yellow

2 white LED’s

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RedLite™ Aero

3 super bright red LED’s

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RedLite™ Aura

3 red LED’s (1 high-flux Piranha)

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RedLite™ DX USB, red

4 super bright red LED’s

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RedLite™ II, black

4 red LED’s

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RedLite™ II, white

4 red LED’s

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RedLite™ Mega

1 high-flux Piranha Red LED and 4 LEDs

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RedLite™ Race

2 super bright red LED’s

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RedLite™ UFO

10 LED’s

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RedLite™ UFO mini, red

2 red LED’s

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RedLite™ UFO mini, white

2 red LED’s

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